Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Colorful Events - Nice Photos...

| Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | 0 comments


Erykah Badu suspended over Allah tattoo


Erykah Badu suspended over Allah tattooNational musician Erykah Badu has had her Malaysian display terminated because of her "Allah" body art.

Authorities scuppered the display last night after seeing images in which Erykah Badu activities human body art designs such as the Persia concept for "Allah."

Malaysia Information Reverend Elevat Yatim said on Tweets that the display was terminated because it breached govt suggestions on "religious breathing difficulties and social values" in the Muslim-majority nation.

"The 'Allah' visual on the singer's body will absolutely cause disputes among Muslims," said Mr Elevat.

In individual feedback offered by state information organization Bernama, he cautioned the display - planned for these days - would "lead to larger problems," such as harmful "national security" and discoloration the nationwide image.

The recommended heart artisan had been planned to execute in the investment Kuala Lumpur. Concert organizers did not instantly react to a ask for for thoughts.

Malaysian Islamic categories frequently fight shows by European performers whom they accuse of advertising promiscuity and corrupting youths, but hardly ever are high-profile functions terminated once preliminary acceptance has been provided.

Erykah Badu is known for exceeding expectations. She brought up eye brows truly with a video for the tune Screen Chair, in which she pieces bare while going for walks the road in Facilities, Arizona where Chief executive Bob F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, dropping "dead" at the eventful identify.

The problem image showed up on Wednesday in Malaysia's greatest English-language day-to-day, The Celebrity. It represents Erykah Badu with various signs on her breasts such as in Persia and Hebrew.

It was not instantly clear whether the signs were lasting body art designs. Tattoos are unacceptable in Islam and many Muslims also grimace upon depictions of the phrase "Allah" that are considered careless or disrespectful.

The image stimulated a backlash and the paper ran an apology last night, saying the image was released "inadvertently."

Erykah Badu, who had described her upcoming Malaysia gig in a twitter on Wednesday, did not instantly thoughts by Tweets on the termination.

Some Malaysian Tweets customers denounced the termination.

"Erykah Badu display in Malaysia has been terminated because of her body art designs. Now you don't ask why all the best bands/singers go to Singapore," one person tweeted.

Singapore, where Muslims are in the community, region Malaysia.

"I think display marketers in this nation understand how I feel. And for those who love music, we're tired of (Rais Yatim) and his suggestions," another composed.

The Home Ministry, which called three top authors of the paper on Wednesday, has said it would issue a caution mail to The Celebrity strenuous an description over use of the image.

Malaysia's Center for Separate Literature released a declaration criticising the ministry's reaction as "unnecessary and damaging to press independence" for Erykah Badu tattoo.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

a little hello!

| Tuesday, February 28, 2012 | 0 comments

Labor Day Weekend

Henry and I have been spending some time in Phoenix this week before I head to San Francisco on Thursday, and I've had so much fun the past few days being able to see my Phoenix friends, hang out with family, and act like I'm 16-years old again. What? You don't revert to your teenage self whenever you spend an extended amount of time at "home?" It's seriously funny to me because last night I found myself on my parents' couch, eating some chips out of a paper towel (typical "Hawthorne" snacking style), yelling "Mommmmmmm! Can you get me a glass of water???" to my mother in the kitchen, while watching The Bachelor in my pajamas. The only difference between my 16-year old self and my current 29-year old self is that there was a baby monitor next to me.  I don't know what it is, but being here makes me feel like I'm right back in high school again.

Anyway, Henry and I ventured out to the mall today so I could try and find an outfit to wear this weekend. We had no luck, of course. Why is it that when you are looking for something specific it's impossible to find anything, but when you have no agenda it seems as though there are cute things everywhere you look?  Henry actually did get a few new fun things at H&M, so it wasn't a total flop. He is finally kind of okay with hats (kind of meaning he doesn't rip them off as if I've placed a burning piece of cloth on his head) so I'm hoping the clearance-priced beanie I bought for him will work. A couple random thoughts from today:

1. The elevator system at Scottsdale Fashion Square is pretty much the worst thing ever. PCLL? 1st Floor? 1st Floor Barney's? I'm so confused. Once the elevator made it's way down to us I ended up just pressing all the buttons and hoping for the best. I can't even believe I used to work there, or more so, how I ever made it to work on time!

2. I wish I could take naps. I have never been one of those people who can take a nice little 30-minute nap in the middle of the day and wake up refreshed. I occasionally find myself trying to be a nap person, but I either end up sleeping for Henry's entire 2-3 hour nap and cause myself to stay up hours later that night, or I stick to the 30 minutes, wake up groggy, and still can't sleep that night. It's a lose-lose for me. But on days like today where I feel exhausted out of my mind come 3pm, a nap would be so nice!

3. I have really, really loved reading all of the 11 Things posts around the internet! Some of the girls I've tagged have completed it, so check them out if you get a moment - Jen, Jess, Katie, Kaelah, and Mandy.

4. And finally, today was my Dad's 66th birthday! He's really the best guy I know (tied with Hank of course) and I feel so lucky to have such a good relationship with him. It's been amazing seeing him as a Grandpa and to watch him and Henry grow so close. It's really the best. Happy birthday, Dad!


Erykah Badu Alleged Allah SWT Tattoo Photos


Erykah Badu Alleged Allah Tattoo Photos Erykah Badu claimed Allah body art images in The Celebrity paper have motivated a Malaysia show disputes. Erykah Badu appears with claimed Allah body art designs on her body in The Celebrity paper, maintain Malaysia authorities. As a result, they have requested a termination of Badu’s regional show.

Erykah Badu has yet to thoughts about the issue. The Celebrity nor the musician would validate that the claimed human body art designs features real body art designs or momentary. Malaysian authorities claim they are lasting body art designs. They are disappointed with words portrayed that they maintain are written in two different dialects. They also maintain one concept flows “Allah”. The body art is located HERE.

The Lifestyle, Arts and History Ministry informs information that they were not informed of the claimed body art designs when they approved the show. But after Badu showed up in the Celebrity paper with our human body art designs, authorities terminated the show.

Information Reverend Elevat Yatim informs information that authorities believe our human body art designs featurs lasting body art designs and that the phrase Allah is portrayed. Yatim says the government upon seeing the paper terminated the show, getting in touch with our human body art designs a “serious offense”. Officials also added that Badu’s art “triggered public critique that could endanger national security and cause a negative impact to the government’s image”.”

Badu is currently in the nation. But she has yet to thoughts about the issue. The paper would thoughts about the details of the suggestions but did issue an apology. “We greatly repent any offence triggered to Muslims and truly apologise for the error.”

Officials tell information that Badu, initially from Facilities, is in the nation lawfully as a vacationer but may not perform. Officials would not details to information what will happen to admission owners. As many as three thousand passes were sold. Some regional authorities are asking for the paper to be penalized.




It's official: Team Strode is going to be doing a short story for an upcoming issue of Jim Zub's SKULLKICKERS!

Also included in the Tavern Tales will be a short story from John Layman and Rob Guillory, the amazing creative team behind CHEW. But wait, there's going to be another creative team included… and it could be YOU!

That's right, all you aspiring writers and artists out there better jump on it, because this issue will include one short story picked from open submissions. Don't delay, go check out details and full contest rules RIGHT HERE.

You can also read a nice write up of the whole thing over at MULTIVERSITY COMICS.


How to Clean your Teeth - Health Tips...


               How to Clean your Teeth


Collaboration at Rosebery


Last Thursday night I attended the fabulous opening party of Megan Morton's School, Propery and Photo Studio, Koskela's new store and Kitchen by Mike.  A collaboration within one amazing warehouse space in Rosebery, Sydney.  I don't think I've ever seen anything as big as this place and if you are in Sydney or if you are visiting Sydney in the future then this is a must visit.   

Here are a few {smudgy and not great} photos I snapped on my iphone at the opening party.  Unfortunately I didn't take enough photos but if you want to see more then head over to Lucy at The Design Files as she has posted some better photos of the space.  Briar from Sunday Collector has also posted some great pictures HERE!! 

By the way, the food was DIVINE - I highly recommend eating at Kitchen by Mike!  You won't be disappointed!!!  The address is 85 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery.



Monday, February 27, 2012

Tattoo Tuesday V.111

| Monday, February 27, 2012 | 0 comments

Name and blog name: Kem // Chronicles of a Sweet Tooth
Age: 29
Occupation: Practice Manager of Dental Department
Age of first tattoo: 20
Favorite tattoo: My Tooth Crest
Featured tattoo/location: 3/4 "sea" sleeve
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Left arm // Scott Shickman // The Mercy Seat Kansas City MO // Scott has done all of my tattoos

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story about why you chose it, or maybe a special meaning? 

For as long as I have lived, I have wanted to be a mermaid. Watching Disney's the Little Mermaid, is probably where the obsession began. That, and my sweet cousin had a swimming pool. We would pretend that we were mermaids, without a care in the world. As I grew up, I knew that I couldn't be a mermaid, so I thought I could commemorate that in an art form, to be that constant reminder to dream. One of my favorite quotes is "The cure for anything is salt water: Sweat, Tears, or the Sea." PS my artist told me I would make it into a full sleeve within a couple of years, and he was totally right! I already know what I am going to fill the last 1/4 of my left arm with :)

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where? 

I have quite a collection. That is what I tell people, I collect art in the form of tattoos.

1. Bows on my ankles. I am a girly, girl through and through. These were a spur of the moment tattoos. Scott, my artist, was working on drawing up the sleeve for my right arm, and he wasn't quite finished, so instead of wasting a session, we just did these bows. I love them, and probably get the most compliments on them.
2. Society's Finest Thigh Tattoos. These have dual meanings. First, it is the name of my husband and friends car club. Secondly, I think it is the most clever words to describe someone with tattoos. So many people, these days, are turned off by tattoos, and think that I probably don't have a job, that I am uneducated, and basically the scum of the earth. Well, little do they know, I am Society's Finest! I am college educated, hold a very prestigious job, and am way better than scum!
3.Cherries on my Calves. These have no meaning at all. I love cherries and wanted calf tattoos :)
4. Left arm 3/4 sleeve. The meaning was a long one, but I loved how it turned out. Especially the compass rose. I always have to be reminded to focus back to "True North" or my "True Self", to not get caught up in what others think/say/do
5. Beginning of Right arm sleeve. So far, on my right arm, I have my Tooth Crest. I have a CRAZY sweet tooth. I mean CRAZY! Ha, I even named my blog after my sweet tooth. Since I work in the dental field, thank goodness right(?), I thought I would dedicate an arm to my love of sweets! The tooth crest says "Brush the teeth you wanna keep", which is totally the truth. The top part of my arm is a whimsical tea party featuring well dressed animals and will be filled in with cupcakes, cookies, candy, and tea! I have a great deal of English Heritage, so to pay homage to that, Scott and I incorporated this idea of an over-the-top tea party juxtaposed against this tooth with a toothbrush. I love how it is coming together. It is my work in progress!

6. Chest piece. I wanted my chest piece to be beautiful and feminine. (This is actually a cover up!) I had cherries on my chest, that we just couldn't get to work into a good layout, so we just covered them. This was the first big piece I did, and wanted a little dedication to my parents. We choose swallows to carry a banner for them. My parents and I have had ups and downs, but without them, I wouldn't be here, so that is my little reminder to carry them with me.

7. Lip Tattoo. I played roller derby with Kansas City Roller Warriors for 5 years. Some of my team mates decided we should get the inside of our lips tattooed with our skate names, you know, to commemorate our 'time served'. It has no started a trend in most of KCRW skaters to get it done. I love it!

3) Do you plan on getting more? 

Until I run out of skin :) Although, I will never get my neck or face tattooed, that is just personal preference. I would love to get my knuckles tattooed, but right now, my life (read: Job) won't allow that.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?

Most of my friends are tattooed/heavily tattooed. Really it is just part of the culture I surround myself with. As everyone that has been interviewed here before, I do run into the adversity, or the down side of being tattooed. Surprisingly it has come with pin-up modeling. There are some hardcore fans out there that HATE tattoos, and make sure that they comment on my photos that they hate my tattoos. I have had people say things like "Pretty girl, but horrible tattoos." or "Beautiful, but why did she ruin the photo with tattoos?" Ha, ha, right, cause I can't take off my tattoos people! Why even say that? It's not like commenting on an outfits, that I could change, it is commenting on something, that I have chosen to do, that can't/won't be reversed. It makes me laugh.

My husband has tattoos, and I love them. His first piece was his chest piece. Go big, or go home was his motto. All of his tattoos are by Scott Shickman too. We are kind of loyal to him :)

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos? 

I think I just covered that regarding comments made by pinup fans. Some people love them, some people hate them. I just like to remind the people making these comments, that I appreciate their feedback, and thanks so much for liking my photos, but my tattoos are mine, and I have no plans of changing them ;)

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet? 

My only advice is "Cheap work ain't good, and good work ain't cheap." ~ Sailor Jerry


Henry's first trip to the Zoo!


Today was so much fun. And I'm pretty sure Henry had fun too, although it's kind of hard to tell when you take a 15-month old to the zoo since he can't really say "hey this is SO fun!" But I'm guessing all of his pointing, laughing, and "what's that?" meant he loved it too.  It was a beautiful day (let's ignore the insane wind and focus on the sun!) and we met a handful of my friends and their kiddos for the afternoon. Our group spent a few hours walking around, playing, and snacking. We'd never been to the Phoenix Zoo and after going I think we will probably get an annual pass next fall. There weren't too many animals out today, but we did meet a huge rainbow-bummed baboon and some silly monkeys. We also saw tigers, giraffes, and an elephant, and pet some goats in the petting zoo. All in all, tons of fun. Here are some photos from our day:

Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12
Phoenix Zoo, 2/27/12

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