Sunday, July 17, 2011

Goodbye and farewell!

| Sunday, July 17, 2011 | 0 comments


Or, I guess I should say...see you soon!

My little family and I are about to embark on a long East Coast vacation, so in our absence I've set up tons of guest posts from some of my blogging pals. I tried to mix it up a bit this time and host some friends who haven't guest posted here yet, and I know you're going to have fun meeting some new bloggers and finding new reads.

A couple of thank yous -

1. Thank you to all of you wonderful ladies who are blog-sitting for me in my absence!  I'm looking forward to a nice, long break.

2. Thank you to our wonderful full-time housesitter and our dogsitter! Nothing is better than leaving and knowing knowing the things and pup we love are in good hands 24/7.

Alright friends, we are off!  I am actually NOT bringing my computer with me, which feels pretty insane but I am so excited to just enjoy time with my family without even opening up my Macbook. I will have my iPhone though and will be documenting our journey via Twitter and Instagram, so feel free to follow along if you'd like.

See you in a few weeks. Atlantic Ocean, here we come!


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