Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday links to love!

| Friday, April 15, 2011 | 0 comments

Hello and happy Friday!  My weekend feels like it's already begun, because one of my dear friends Erin came up from Phoenix with her son Kyler! The boys are a couple months apart and are just too adorable together. We had a mama/baby sleepover, Hank cooked us his "famous" enchiladas, we made homemade salsa and guacamole, and had the best night girl talking for hours. After Erin left this morning I got the great news that Sarah managed to get us AMAZING seats to the Taylor Swift concert in October when they went on sale this morning! I don't know how we'll even be able to wait that long, but it's definitely going to be worth it. I can't even explain how excited I am!

There's a lot more to share (lots of photos), but I am going to wait until my weekend wrap up on Sunday. Also coming up on the blog this week: a giveaway from Blowfish shoes and Yes Ma'am Sweets! Until then here are some links to start your weekend off on a fun note! Enjoy.


This week I guest posted in two wonderful places: first, I shared some beautiful vintage dress picks on Mandy's blog, and I also shared some new-mama "wisdom" on Rachael's!

This incredibly honest and beautifully-written post by one of the most inspiring ladies in the blog world is a must-read.

Loving this rainy day inspiration.

Poppy's owl-inspired 2nd birthday party is all sorts of adorable!

Fruity carrot cupcakes with lemon infused frosting! Oh man.

I am so, so in love with this painting and really hope Emily of The Black Apple makes it into a print.

This roundup of classic men of style is neat!

This bag is just adorable and perfect with jeans and a white tee, or taken along to the beach!

There are few things better than a delicious AND healthy breakfast. I am loving this recipe for protein pancakes!

Heidi braids with fabric. Such a cute twist on a hairdo I already adore.

Rachel's feature on Harper's Happenings today made me smile.

This scarf is adorable, but I really love the way it's styled! Perfect for summer.

Erin's tips for packing your kid's lunches is just fantastic and worth a read!

Beautiful girl, beautiful tattoo.

Adeline steals my heart every time I see a new photo of her!

How amazing is Jen's skirt here (and hello, the whole outfit!)? It's the perfect shade of red/orange. Cutest mama.

Little Lola Birdie is quite the fashion plate.

I love Tina Fey and I love babies. So, this is awesome.

This interesting article is very relevant to my life right now. I'm stepping away from the computer a lot more now...and you know what? I don't miss it a bit!

And finally, I love love love Leigh-Ann's post on "dreamboats." How many can you identify with?


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