Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Pip Boydell Paintings

| Wednesday, November 30, 2011 | 0 comments

Just in case you missed out the first time round, I thought I'd let you know that we have 4 new beautiful paintings in store by Pip Boydell.  The middle orchid is sold however, the 4 surrounding it are all currently available.  It will be a first in best dressed situation...


Colorful Buildings and Houses - Nice Photos...



Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chanel Brisbane 2011

| Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | 0 comments

Last night Brad and I attended the glamorous Chanel party/parade at Old Government House.  We were greeted by a man in a white golf buggy who drove us down to the lawned section where a fabulous white painted platform had been installed.  There were so many people we knew and it really was such a lovely party.  My favourite champange, Perrier Jouet flowed on and on throughout the night.  Unfortunately the photos I snapped on my i-phone didn't really turn out very well but you can see that we had a wonderful vantage point.  Our seats were front row at the end of the catwalk...AMAZING!!

Oh and here I am just before we left.   I wore black of course.  My eyes look red and very tired...obviously a sign of absolute's been a big year!  I can't wait for the holidays!

Thanks Chanel for inviting us to your beautiful party.  We had a fabulous time and dinner with FF and Mr FF afterwards was fab too!!





me, right now.

My sweet friend Megan shared this fun post this morning, so I thought I'd play along while I wait for Henry to wake up from his nap!

Obsessing over: Movies. I think winter always gets me into movie-mode, and this year I've been really into re-watching old favorites via Netflix Instant Play during Henry's naptime while I get things done. Today was the black and white Miracle on 34th Street. So good.  And right now Netflix has so many great films to stream including two of my most favorites- Death Becomes Her and Edward Scissorhands. They also have some newer ones I really enjoyed, like Morning Glory.

Working on: I'm currently in the middle of a couple of new blog-related and writing projects, but what I am working on right now is making it through the day without indulging in sweets! I do great all day long, but around 4 or 5pm I find myself making the same not-so-good choices. And every day I tell myself that I'm not going to do it again, but for the past few days I've ignored my better judgment and had that cookie (or cookies), that caramel corn, or whatever other nutrient-free mindless snack is available. Ugh. I'm all for treats and enjoying delicious food...but when I'm grabbing these snacks I'm not even hungry. So today I'm just trying to get back on track from our holiday weekend, and holiday weekend leftovers!

Thinking about: going to Henry's 1-year appointment in a few hours. Honestly, it feels like yesterday when we brought him in for the first time. I was fresh from my c-section and all of those days seem like the biggest blur...except certain distinct moments with Henry. I remember that first appointment vividly, and I'll admit I'm a little teary thinking about bringing him in today for his big one-year-later check-up. I'm also thinking about how truly lucky and grateful I feel to have a healthy one-year old.

Anticipating: Christmas, of course! I can't wait for all of the fun events coming up. Outside of family stuff think I'm most looking forward to the party Natalie and I are having at my house- an old-fashioned girls' sleepover for our girlfriends. We're doing a potluck, ornament exchange, and heading downtown to enjoy the lights and winter sights. Very excited.

Listening to: the white noise via Henry's noise machine in his room. He's due to wake up from his nap any minute, so pretty soon the sounds will be interrupted by babbling and sweet little "ma ma ma ma mas." I'm also having a text conversation with Autumn so every minute or so the little notification goes off. If only all of my friend who are stay-at-home Moms lived in the same place!

Drinking: water. It's pretty much all I ever drink, with the occasional green tea or almond milk in my rare bowl of cereal.

Wishing: that I could slow down time, just a little. 2012 in just about a month? I feel like it's 1998 and I'm still 16. Where did the time go?

How about you? What are you up to today?


Zarine Khan - Calendar 2012...



Tattoo Tuesday V.98


Name/blog name: Julia at
Age: 31
Occupation: Full time mommy. Part time hair stylist/makeup artist
Age of first tattoo: 18
Favorite tattoo: Boombox on my left shin. It is from the album Subliminal Plastic Motives by my favorite band, self
Featured tattoo/location: Mary Poppins sleeve on my left arm
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Ahmed at Trader Bobs Tattoo in St. Louis, MO

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story about why you chose it, or maybe a special meaning?

I get asked this a lot. Understandably so. I used to watch Mary Poppins A LOT when I was a child. It quickly became my favorite movie. Then a few years after high school, I packed up and headed east to New York City where I became a nanny. I sent out to be a Mary Poppins. I try to live my life with the motto "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

I have a bunch of random ones. Boombox on left shin, rose on right shin, stars around my right wrist, butterfly on center of back, nautical star on back of neck.

3) Do you plan on getting more?

Absolutely. I intend on doing my right arm eventually. I have many ideas as to what I'd like. I would like to do something for my daughter, Zalyn. It's just a matter of time. My brother in law is a tattoo artist and I have many plans for him to do plenty of my upcoming work.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?

My family is amazing. At first, my parents weren't too hip to the idea of their little girl "decorating her body." But they have grown to love it. I've even been introduced to some of my mothers friends, siblings friends etc and they'll say, "OOH, you're the one with the Mary Poppins tattoo." I suppose that means they brag about me? As far as adversity is concerned, yes, I get some negative feedback. But only from strangers. My husband (who is heavily tattooed as well) and I were in the store one time and a gentleman walked passed us and shouted, "It's not Halloween, kids. Trick or treat, freaks!" We just brush it off our shoulder. Yes, we get stared at from time to time and yes people say things of the sorts, "What are you going to do when you get older?" or "Are you going to let your child get tattooed?" and the ever so popular, "Why would you do something like that?" There's some close minded people out there that just don't quite understand the nature of why people get tattoos. And that's ok. We just make the world a little more colorful!

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos? This can be something someone said to you, a weird tattooing experience, whatever.

My favorite story involving my tattoo's was when I came to visit my grandparents after being gone for awhile. My sleeve was close to being done. The last time I saw my grandparents, I only had the top of my shoulder. So, needless to say, they were shocked. My grandfather looked at me and said, "My oh my, every time we see you, you are more and more decorated." Then my grandmother chimed in and said with a smile, "Yes, and we love you more and more." My grandmother passed away almost 3 years ago and I'm constantly reminded of her strength, beauty and wit. Just the way she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and the way she said that, makes my heart melt each time I think about it. My grandfather was right, we really truly are "decorated."

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

Think it through. Don't rush into it. Do research on who you're going to have do your tattoo. If you see someone with a tattoo you like, ask them who did it for them. Then check out said artists portfolio. Once you found the right person and decided on the perfect piece, be prepared. Bring a bottle of water or gatorade. I resort to sucking on lollipops while getting tattoo'd. And I focus on my breathing. Whether you are getting a large piece that will take some time, or something small, just remind yourself that the pain only lasts a little while and when it's all said and done, you'll have a pretty awesome reminder of your strength that you sat through a pretty painful experience. That's how I look at it and it's gotten me this far.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Kids and Pets - Funny Photos Part III...

| Monday, November 28, 2011 | 0 comments

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