Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Slice of...Gold Coast, Australia!

| Thursday, March 31, 2011 | 0 comments

30 Day Letter Challenge - Day 2

Hi, I’m Kat and I live on the Gold Coast, Australia with my fiancĂ© Corey.  I have recently graduated and am adjusting to working full-time while also giving myself time to be creative.  I blog about everything that I knit, sew, crochet or bake at my blog Kat’s Creations.  I love the Gold Coast because yes it has the sun, sand and surf but it also has a whole other side that not a lot of people get to see.  The Gold Coast Hinterland is an amazing place so instead of showing you the beaches and theme parks which I am sure you have all seen a million times I want to show you the other side of the Gold Coast.  Some great things to do while in the Gold Coast Hinterland are:

1 – Cedar Creek Falls 

Cedar Creek Falls

Cedar Creek Falls are located in the Tamborine National Park and are absolutely stunning.  There are three main falls that you can get to by following the nature walk through the park.  It is a pretty steep walk with a lot of stairs but totally worth it to see the falls.

2 – Albert River Wines 

The Pretty Driveway

Albert River Wines is located in Canungra and is a gorgeous vineyard set on a historical farmstead.  The original Tamborine House which Mount Tamborine was named after still stands today is the venue of many weddings.  The vineyard is stunning from the gorgeous jacaranda tree lined driveway through to the historical farmsteads.  You can have lunch in their restaurant and sample the local wine before visiting their petting zoo to meet the local wildlife.

3 – See the Animals


Which brings me to the next thing you must do while visiting the Gold Coast Hinterland which is see the animals.  There are so many rainforest walks around Mount Tamborine which are home to some stunning bird life and lizards and if your lucky you might even see a kangaroo or koala.

4 – Go Camping 

Roasting Marshmallows

Thunderbird Park has a great campsite where you can stay for quite cheap.  Each site is set up with its own fire pit so you can roast marshmallows all night long.  Camping with a group of friends is a great relaxing way to spend the weekend and truly appreciate the beauty of the Gold Coast Hinterland.

5 – Watch the Sunset 

Picnic 2 View

There are many lookouts along Mount Tamborine which can give you great views of the Gold Coast but the best lookout is the one that points west because this is where you will get to see the stunning sunsets.  And if you get there at the right time of the day you might also get to see some hangliders taking a ride.


Funny Meaning of Keyboard Keys...



Henry: 4 months


4 months

This post is a bit belated, as Henry turned 4 months old last week, on the 22nd! He didn't have his checkup until yesterday though, so I wanted to wait to publish this post until then. He is doing very well and his appointment was wonderful...our tough guy didn't even cry during his shot. ;) Henry currently weighs 14 pounds, 14 oz. (50th percentile) and is 26 inches long (70th percentile).  This month it seems like H. is really coming into his own- his personality shines through a little more everyday, and it's so amazing to watch him figure things out on his own. He's been love love loving his Sophie the Giraffe and is happiest when she's in his hands...or his mouth! He also has been liking his Glowworm at nap time.

little man



This month Henry:

rolls over, from back to front, and front to back
has taken to screaming and squealing
started teething
can fully move his head and hold it up
is starting to reach for things
can recognize people
knows his name (at least I think so)
smiles all the time
laughs a lot more often
drools constantly
loves putting his feet and hands into his mouth


happier baby!

Breastfeeding is going well as usual, and he is still sleeping with us in the cosleeper in our bed, but napping in his crib (or on me) during the day. He was sleeping through the night, 12 hours, but now he goes to sleep at 7pm and wakes up around 4 to eat, then sleeps a little more until 8 or so. Some nights recently have been more difficult, with him waking up every few hours, but the past couple of days have evened out and he's doing much better now that we are home and won't be traveling for some time.  We're probably going to move him fully into his crib at 6 months, and I think that transition is going to be a lot harder on me than him! We'll see.

So, yay for Henry and yay for 4 months! I am just starting to plan his first birthday party (crazy, I know) and I am REALLY excited about this little idea I've concocted. I think it's going to be amazing. And even more amazing? He's 1/3 of the way there. Bittersweet.

Here's to another wonderful month full of wet baby kisses and belly laughs. We love you so much Henry!





Mega Man


Here's my submission for Udon's Mega Man Tribute book! I don't know if it made it in (Udon hasn't received word back from Capcom on approving all the artwork), but you never know. Oh, and look! A red variant and the B&W line art.

ALSO, check out all the BFDW Mega Man Tributes, they're awesome.


New Things


New Tables

New Paintings

New Blue and White Bone Inlay Boxes and Pink Inlay boxes too...

Another new painting

And another fabulous and very reasonably priced table

It really is like Christmas at Black & Spiro lately with all of the beautiful new things we have arriving from our overseas suppliers and also our wonderful Australian suppliers too.  Here are a few things which just arrived in this week.  I am finding it hard not to take things home.  I whisked one of the new pink inlaid trays home with me yesterday and I am obsessed with it...almost as much as my garden!!!

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